How to Keep Visitors Coming Back


Websites are becoming such an important part of any business

In such a cluttered on-line world (and getting busier every day), you need to have something on your site that grabs peoples attention and more importantly keeps them coming back again and again.

The first thing that you need to make sure is that the content you have is current and if possible updated regularly (regularly may mean different things to different businesses, from daily to monthly). This may mean text, pictures or even a seasonal redesign or makeover. Google do this well by simply changing the graphic of their logo to represent different events.

Once content is being refreshed, it gives your customers a reason to come back. For many the products or services we sell are not commodity items and so return business is less certain due to the infrequency of the purchase.

If your content is changing (and obviously worth reading) then your customers are going to return to keep up to date with the developments.

Online Newsletters

You can create a newsletter for people to subscribe to. Periodically you can send out a newsletter that will inform and also propose products and services that your readers may like. Newsletters are still a very viable way to deliver a message and generate enquiry.


Withthe  industry expertise that you have inside your business there is plenty of ideas for articles. These can be unique to your business or talk about more generic things. What it does, is gives your visitors to the website a reason to keep coming back, especially if you can generate these items on a regular basis.

Great websites are not always the prettiest looking (although it helps); they are the ones with information that keeps the visitors coming back.

You may not have the time to update your site everyday, but by making key changes, you can get customers coming back again and again.

Talk to your web designer about how these ideas can be implemented. There will be a cost, but you may find the return visitors make it worthwhile.

So the answer is simple…Make it SuperSticky and make them want to come back.

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