Library Report Card Library Survey Name First Last Email Q1. How many lawyers do you have?*2 to 56 to 1415+Q2. Do you have a law librarian or lawyer with a main responsibility for legal research?* Yes No Q3. Do you have a budget for Library?* Yes No Q4. If yes to Q3 do you include a contingency?* Yes No Q5. Do you benchmark your Library spend either formally or informally?* Yes No Q6. What is the GST exclusive amount you spend per lawyer on Library (do not include Seminars, webinars, disbursed costs)?*>$5K$1K - $5K<$1KQ7. Do you review your Library subscriptions at least annually?* Yes No Q8. Do you survey your fee earners about Library resources?* Every Year Occasionally No Q9. Do you review online subscription usage stats for the publisher?* Every Year Occasionally No Q10. Do you have >80% of your subscriptions with one publisher* Yes No Q11. Do you have a person responsible for all book and hard copy purchases?* Yes No Q12. Is there a principal, partner or director responsible for Library?* Yes No Training Skills and SupervisionQ13. Do you have a regular training program for Library?* Yes No Q14. Do you have an induction program for lawyers and grads which includes Library training?* Yes No Q15. Do you identify skill sets required for fee earners based on their seniority and work types?* Yes No Q16. Do partners/ directors supervise delegated research?* All Some None Hard copy subsQ17. Do you maintain any Court related loose leaf subscriptions (e.g. McGechan, Sim, Adams, Resource Management?* Yes No Q18. Do you maintain any non - Court related loose leaf subscriptions?* More than 2 1 or 2 No Q19. Do you use the NZLS Library research service?* Yes No 19981